Sea Island Life - Spring/Summer 2013

spring/summer 2013 The NexT-GeNeraTioN Golfer Finely tuned athletes hit the course Wild To Table reviving the oldest culinary trend UNexpecTed beaUTy georgia’s marshes through the lens Keeping TradiTions alive Sea Island lIfe Family time in the great outdoors

spring/summer 2013 | sea island life 3 we are very excited to be launching this magazine during our 85th year— our sapphire anniversary. We welcome you to sea island today just as we welcomed our first guest in 1928, maintaining family, friends and nature as our core values. The sea island family remains committed to providing every guest with gracious hospitality, extraordinary experiences and a lifestyle worth sharing with generations. We believe this is why so many return year after year, reminiscing of past vacations or celebrating anniversaries while creating new memories and traditions. i feel very lucky to have joined the sea island family in 2011, but i am surrounded by a team that includes 76 staff members who have been a part of sea island for more than 25 years. no matter how many years of service, everyone is committed to creating lifetime memories, as evidenced by the story on page 81 about one sea island honeymoon couple, faith and don Walsh, who returned to celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary last year. Whether you’re visiting for the first time or you call sea island home, i hope you will experience all that this special place has to offer. Hit the tennis courts with grand slam champion murphy Jensen, who will send his signature serves—mama’s meatloaf and The monster—across the net. Or head to our golf learning Center, where three instructors are ranked among america’s Top 50 Teachers by golf digest and multiple touring pga Tour players practice and hone their skills. You don’t have to be a pro, however, to take advantage of the learning Center, as all our instructors are eager to help you take your game to the next level, whatever your handicap. Our sea island shooting school instructors, the four J’s (Jon, Jeff, Jake and Jimmy), have more than 60 years of teaching experience between them. and we are pleased to announce our newest experience, Broadfield, a sea island sporting Club, where you can partake in a quail or pheasant hunt, or learn falconry. sea island is positioned between marshland and the atlantic Ocean, making it the ideal place to explore unspoiled natural treasures. You can take in our five miles of private beach from the vantage point of a paddleboard or kayak, or wander the beaches for an early morning walk—my personal favorite way to begin any day. during the summer, sea turtles nest on our beach, offering the perfect opportunity to join one of our naturalists on a turtle excursion. Head out with our guides for fishing in the marsh, which is teeming with redfish, yellowtails and blue crabs—you might even spot a great blue heron or a bald eagle. Once hitting dry land, our staff can prepare your “catch of the day” at one of our restaurants. Just thinking about all there is to do at sea island is enough to make anyone hungry, and we do not disappoint in the culinary area. With eight restaurants, ranging from the fine dining at our forbes five-star georgian room and italian at Tavola, to handheld fare from the flip flop Bistro and our famous gold Brick sundae at Wonderland, there is something for every age and taste. it’s been 85 years and we feel we are just getting warmed up! We hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you soon. sincerely, rick riess managing director, sea island Welcome to Sea ISland and to our Inaugural ISSue of Sea ISland lIfe! welcome

4 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 features 30. Driven to SucceSS Today’s up-and-coming golfers are reaping the rewards of targeted physical conditioning, nutrition and high- tech equipment. By Scott Kramer 34. catch to cuiSine On the heels of farm-to-table comes the catch- and hunt- to-table trend, slowly sweeping the nation as foodies who love the great outdoors combine their passions. By Katie Kelly Bell 38. tenniS JenSen-Style The dynamic 1993 french Open doubles champions luke and murphy Jensen bring their special brand of high-energy enthusiasm to the tennis courts of georgia’s historic resort. By Roger Cox 44. an iSlanD affair a sea island couple ties the knot at their “happy place.” By Lilibet Snellings 50. art of the Wine label an artistic, one-of-a-kind label ensures that a wine bottle gets noticed. By Michelle Franzen Martin 54. Saving the Sea turtle each summer, georgia’s barrier islands welcome sea turtles looking to nest. The odds are stacked against them, yet conservation efforts prove that hope still lives. By Tanner Latham 58. connecting familieS plug into family time and disconnect from digital screens to make lifelong memories on your vacation. By Annette Thompson 62. into the marSheS georgia’s marshes are an unexpected source of beauty and inspiration for amateur and professional photographers. By Joe Rada 66. the neW america’S cup setting sail in san francisco this summer, the historic race gets a tuneup—and the results are anything but boring. By Risa Merl 34 38 62 SEA ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE spring/summer 2013

35% of all profits from the sale of Hidalgo’s Animal Collection rings will be donated to the Humane Society.

6 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 departments 3. Welcome letter 10. SeaSonal FlavorS: FreSh catch somewhere beneath the water’s surface, about 60 miles offshore and swimming among old shipwrecks, are the fish that excite sea island chefs this time of year. 12. Uncorked: SeaSonal SipS a sea island sommelier shares some of her favorite spring and summer wines, complete with pairing notes. 14. Family FirSt: Gone FiShinG Kids never forget catching their first fish as they begin a hobby that can last a lifetime. 16. SoUthern Style: keen on coral sometimes vibrant, sometimes subtle— there’s a shade of coral for everyone this season. 18. in the SWinG: pUttinG in a neW direction explore three innovative putting strategies offering alternatives to the traditional method of anchoring a belly putter. 20. oUtWard BoUnd: Stand-Up pro sea island life speaks with golfer davis love iii about his passion for stand-up paddleboarding. 22. mind + Body: FoUntain oF yoUth more kids and teens are heading to the spa for the same wellness benefits adults seek. 24. Get Fit: GymS Go hiGh-tech The newest fitness equipment is interactive, personalized and, most importantly, effective. 26. on the iSle: did yoU knoW? discover fun facts and stories about your favorite island. 28. traditionS: rattle the BaG for more than 50 years, guests have been playing bingo at The Cloister at sea island. But bingo night is about more than games—it’s about families, tradition and making memories. 70. iSland neWS & noteS 74. Society Holiday happenings, national geographic live! with andrew Zolli, “How to play squash ’Til 100” weekend, presidents’ & Honeymooners’ Weekend 86. then and noW: the Beach clUB The Beach Club has been a staple of the sea island experience for generations. spring/summer 2013 The NexT-GeNeraTioN Golfer Finely tuned athletes hit the course Wild To Table reviving the oldest culinary trend UNexpecTed beaUTy georgia’s marshes through the lens Keeping TradiTions alive Sea Island lIfe Family time in the great outdoors FC_SeaIsland.indd 5 3/15/13 10:03 AM 14 28 After his fish flies off the hook, young fishermAn thomAs heAth drops his pole And tries to cAtch the bounty with his hAnds. 12 SEA ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE spring/summer 2013

8 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 editorial & design EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Steve Zepezauer CREATIVE DIRECTOR Sonia Chung GROUP EDITOR Micaela Myers MANAGING EDITOR Linda Domingo SENIOR EDITORS Ashley Breeding Allison Hata Alli Tong DESIGN TEAM Jenn Prewitt, Stephanie Castro, Paul Graff GRAPhIC DESIGNER/ASSISTANT EDITOR Karlee Prazak EDITORIAL INTERNS Jackie Adams, Madeline Ewles CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Katie Kelly Bell, Roger Cox, Vicki Hogue-Davies, Emily Foley, Scott Kramer, Tanner Latham, Michelle Franzen Martin, Risa Merl, Laura Carson Miller, Amber Nagle, Joe Rada, Lilibet Snellings, Annette Thompson, Judy Wells PhOTOGRAPhER/PhOTO EDITOR Jody Tiongco DIGITAL MANAGING EDITOR Kim Zepezauer PUBLIShER Christopher Schulz DIRECTOR OF SALES & DIGITAL MEDIA Scott Sanchez sales SOUThEAST REGIONAL DIRECTOR Carrie Robles [email protected] 305-431-5409 NYC/NORThEAST Maryellen Case Karen Couture ALL OThER AREAS: [email protected] 949-715-4100 ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Tina Leydecker SALES ASSISTANT Jenae Lister finance Cyndy Mendaros ChAIRMAN Allan Simon ChIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Steve Zepezauer GROUP PUBLIShER Christopher Schulz DIRECTOR OF SALES & DIGITAL MEDIA Scott Sanchez ©2013 By FIREBRAND MEDIA LLC. ALL RIghts REsERvED. No pARt oF thIs pERIoDICAL MAy BE REpRoDuCED IN ANy FoRM oR By ANy MEANs wIthout pRIoR wRIttEN CoNsENt FRoM sEA IsLAND LIFE. thE vIEws ExpREssED hEREIN ARE thosE oF thE AuthoRs AND ADvERtIsERs AND Do Not NECEssARILy REFLECt thosE oF thE owNERshIp oR MANAgEMENt oF thE MAgAzINE oR sEA IsLAND. TO OUR READERS: Sea Island Life invites you to share with us your reactions to our magazine. Send your correspondence to Editor, Sea Island Life, 250 Broadway, Laguna Beach, 92651 or to editor@ The magazine accepts freelance contributions; however, unsolicited materials cannot be returned, and Sea Island Life accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to unsolicited materials. ADVERTISERS: For inquiries, please contact Christopher Schulz at [email protected]. Sea Island Life, 250 Broadway., Laguna Beach, CA 92651; 949-715-4100. PRESIDENT Scott Steilen MANAGING DIRECTOR Rick Riess VICE PRESIDENT, MARkETING & SALES Parra Vaughan MANAGER, MARkETING & CRM Jessica DiVincent STAFF PhOTOGRAhER Eliot VanOtteren SEA ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE

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10 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 it’s one big deep breath for mike Kennedy and then a plunge. He has no air tank, but he does have a spear gun. and what he’s found in his last four years as a free diver is that the very nature of free diving makes him less threatening to any fish he’s trying to catch. “i think that because we are holding our breath, the fish are more attracted to us,” Kennedy explains. “They are curious. There is no noise.” There is no cascade of rising bubbles. and so, within 30 or 40 seconds of diving, he often gets a shot. as the Yacht Club manager at sea island, Kennedy oversees guest nature programs that relate to water, such as boating, kayaking and fishing. But starting in may, he takes personal spearfishing trips with his colleague Jon Kent, the director of outdoor pursuits at sea island, and a small group of other free divers. They set out at sunup and motor about 60 miles offshore to where they’ve found some old shipwrecks with the help of the georgia department of natural resources, which publishes a guide detailing the wrecks and reefs. at the wrecks, countless fish congregate, and the men keep their eyes peeled for the flat, silver and pearlescentskinned ones called african pompano that average between 15 and 30 pounds. resort chefs line up at the dock, pick up the fish, filet it, weigh it and portion it out. “The guys call us in the morning and let us know when they are going out,” says sea island resort executive Chef Jonathan Jerusalmy. “When they are an hour away, they call and tell us what they have. That same night, it is served as specials in the restaurants. it doesn’t get any fresher than this.” and the guests take notice. “i love the african pompano so much because every time we serve it, people say it is the best fish they have ever had,” Jerusalmy comments. also known as a pennant fish, threadfish and Cuban Jack, african pompano is often found in the Bahamas, the Caribbean and the waters fresh catch Somewhere beneath the water’S Surface, about 60 mileS offShore and Swimming among old ShipwreckS, are the fiSh that excite Sea iSland chefS thiS time of year. By tanner latham seasonal flavors executive Chef Jonathan Jerusalmy

spring/summer 2013 | sea island life 11 stretching from the lower half of the atlantic down to the florida Keys. according to Jacob gragg, a sommelier at The Cloister at sea island, pairing a wine with the fish chiefly depends on how it’s prepared. if it’s grilled or lightly cooked, he recommends a gruner veltliner from austria (specifically the 2010 nikolaihof federspiel from the country’s Wachau region). “i like this wine because of its high acidity and clean style of fruit characteristics, mostly lemon and grapefruit with a savory side,” he says. if the fish is fried or prepared with a rich sauce, he likes to go with a wine that has a higher level of richness, such as chardonnays from sonoma, Calif. (particularly the 2010 bottling from Hirsch Vineyards). But Jerusalmy says that no matter how the fish is prepared—whether poached, grilled or seared—the flesh holds moisture really well. “it stays very moist. it is fatty, but not too fatty. it is a beautiful pink color,” he says. “people are just so intrigued by it because it’s not the kind of fish they find easily at the store. “i feel like african pompano is the kind of fish that people have not looked at in a long time,” Jerusalmy continues. “The flavor is incredible, but no one knows about it. This is the kind of thing that really excites me as a chef—to do something different, something people won’t see anywhere else. This is our duty as chefs. This is where i pride myself.” Jerusalmy notes that this fish is only served during its peak months, between may and september. in addition, there’s no commercial fishing operation involved. diners only see african pompano on menus when Kennedy, Kent and the other free divers have been successful. “it is a way of fishing that nobody does anymore,” Jerusalmy says. “it’s not just casting out nets. That is why it’s so good.” The african pompano is prepared in a diverse variety of ways at the restaurants Ask the Pro When it comes to cooking a fish such as the African pompano, Executive Chef Jonathan Jerusalmy says the technique is just a small piece to the success of the dish. “It’s about understanding the season and working with what’s in season,” he says. “Ask the people behind the counter what is fresh.” For example, if it’s December, don’t try recipes that call for tomatoes. “The beauty of this is that it is not an exact science,” he says. “Don’t get stuck in your way. Experiment.” throughout the resort. at Tavola, for instance, it can be wood fire-roasted and placed on a bed of creamy polenta, laced with fennel confit and accompanied by local vegetables. it might be chardonnay-poached and served with foie gras and micro herbs at the river Bar. and when diners are looking for a casual presentation, Jerusalmy says that southern Tide will often beer batter it, fry it and serve it with housemade vinegar chips and a chowchow aioli. Jerusalmy comments, “When we have it, it is the most magnificent fish we serve on the property.” m The African pompano’s scales are so minute that its body appears scaleless. African pompano, fire-roasted and placed on a bed of creamy polenta, laced with fennel confit and accompanied by local vegetables

12 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 SeaSonal SipS A SeA ISlAnd SommelIer ShAreS Some of her fAvorIte SprIng And Summer wIneS, complete wIth pAIrIng noteS. By Katie Kelly Bell uncorked as one of the sommeliers for sea island, ryanne Carrier awaits the arrival of the warm spring and summer seasons, since these months are a welcome opportunity to indulge in creative combinations (such as sparkling Burgundy and caviar) and the refreshing pleasures of crisp, dry wines. One of her favorites is pinot grigio, but she’s not talking about your average, limpid versions. Carrier seeks producers who specialize in crafting extraordinary examples of this unjustly maligned varietal. “most producers pick pinot grigio well before it’s ripe, which can result in a green, acidic, simple wine,” Carrier notes. “The best ones often come from the friuli and Veneto regions in italy. scarbolo creates an excellent pinot grigio by allowing the grapes to fully ripen.” When pinot grigio is fully ripe, it’s a pinkishgray color; the acidity drops a bit and you get more fruit tones, richer aromatics and a lovely Sommelier Ryanne Carrier

spring/summer 2013 | sea island life 13 pinkish blush to the wine. it also possesses more weight in the mouth, making it the perfect porch-sipping wine or an ideal aperitif to enjoy while the sun goes down. another option is a well-balanced sauvignon blanc. The combination of high acid with floral and grapefruit tones sings in the glass and holds up beautifully in warm climates. Carrier leans toward versions from the region of sancerre in france’s loire Valley, which pose a nice balance, falling somewhere between the intense grapefruit of new Zealand sauvignon blanc and the oakier-influenced styles from California. some are made using concrete fermenters. Carrier explains, “i love concrete influence. When a wine is fermented in concrete it ups the game a bit. Too much stainless [steel] on a wine leaves metallic edges, and too much barrel contact adds oak influence.” Carrier is also excited about some new World versions of sauvignon blanc, specifically grey stack rosemary’s Block from Bennett Valley, Calif. “The grapes come within a single block in the dry stack vineyard. They use very little barrel fermentation to help soften the acids; i love the guava and tropical fruit influences,” she says. “it’s a great aperitif wine, but the fresh flavors and citrus notes are also ideal with mexican food, playing off the green elements of cilantro and jalapenos.” if it’s lunch with a crisp salad, Carrier reaches for rosé, specifically from the provence region of france. “domaine de Triennes is one of my favorites; it is drier in style, with berry fruits such as strawberry, and a nice kick of minerality. i love rosés from Bordeaux as well. rosés tend to pair beautifully with anything green and leafy. The mineral and fruit tones of the wine play into the green mineral-rich leaves.” red wines have a place at the table too, but not the “heavy-duty cabernet sauvignons,” Carrier says. Best to look to regions such as Burgundy for inspiration. “if i’m indulging in a freshly grilled burger with all the trimmings, l love to pair it with a single vineyard or Cru Beaujolais. You get all the benefits of a pinot noir but with a bit more structure going on. Think light-bodied with all the raspberry, violet and black plum notes but framed around a bigger structure … ideal for a burger.” Carrier also suggests exploring syrah from northern rhone, which has a cooler climate that results in wines with higher acid and more character. “red wine lovers will enjoy the tannins, but the lighter style works for summer,” she explains. The northern rhone wines enjoy more feminine layers of flavor than their counterparts from warmer climates (such as australian shiraz). “There [is] something unique and special about wines from northern rhone. The black olive and bacon fat flavors make them interesting wines to sit down with.” and, of course, there is always a time and place for bubbles. “i’ve been pouring Chateau de lavernette granit, a special sparkling from Beaujolais made from 100 percent gamay grapes,” she says. made in the traditional Champagne method, its dry, mineral aspects give off notes of pear and apple. Champagne and sparkling wines are a nice match for spring and summer cuisine. France’s Loire Valley Scarbolo The salty brininess of caviar with the high acid, mineral-driven bubbles is a divine match, says Carrier. for Champagne, she suggests Billecart salmon rosé Brut, adding, “roederer estate (in California) crafts one of the finest examples of a good sparkling wine.” Her all-time favorite pairing with bubbles was georgian room’s Chef de Cuisine daniel Zeal’s dish of quail encrusted in pretzels paired with Krug grand Cuvée. “it was an unexpected mid-meal pairing with a game meat and pretzels. i thought along the lines of pretzels and beer, and Krug is the biggest beer-like Champagne i know,” she says. Whether you’re pairing your wines with the climate or a dish, Carrier explains, “When it’s perfect, it is like a chemical reaction, setting off fireworks in your mouth.” m Northern Rhone

14 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 wide-eyed excitement. dancingin-place exuberance. Yelping joy. That kind of enthusiasm marks the magical moment when a kid catches a fish for the first time. Witness this rite of passage involving a wiggly prize and unabashed pride, and you won’t soon forget it. neither will the child. lasting memories—that’s the power behind youth fishing. it helps explain the national trend of programs introducing youngsters to the pastime. Wherever there are mountain streams, inland lakes, coastal marshes or open seas, there are guides glad to share a contagious interest in angling. Why take kids fishing? it gets them off the couch, into fresh air, active and away from TV and video games. it surrounds them with nature, stimulating their curiosity about the outdoor world. it nurtures practical skills ranging from navigation to knot-tying through hands-on encounters with boats, rods, reels, hooks, lines and sinkers. it builds character, teaching patience when fish aren’t biting and an understanding of life and death in food-chain terms. it provokes one-that-got-away storytelling, a cherished anglers’ art. if parents join in, add quality time to the equation. But mostly, fishing is just plain fun. around georgia’s barrier islands—where shallow waters teem with redfish, yellowtails, blue crabs, croakers, flounder, trout and sharks—youth fishing has never been more popular. Kids line the dock daily behind The Cloister at sea island, casting rods and lifting crab traps for a look-see. “some kids are at the dock all day, every day, the entire week of their vacation,” says longtime fishing guide, Charter Captain and Yacht Club manager mike Kennedy, who got his first boat at age 10. “like me, they never get tired of fishing.” some of those dock-hounds join excursions led by Kennedy and other sea island guides aboard 27-foot, single-engine, georgia-built, rambo boats holding up to six passengers. “Two-hour trips are perfect for beginners. family first gone fishing Kids never forget catching their first fish as they begin a hobby that can last a lifetime. By Joe Rada

spring/summer 2013 | sea island life 15 We head to nearby saltwater marshes or st. simons sound in search of catching fish,” Kennedy says. “We make it easy. all they have to do is show up at the dock, step on board ... and pretty soon they’re catching some fish. if they want, we’ll even bait the hooks for them.” Youngsters and their parents are often hooked after their first fishing trip, prompting them to sign up for three or four more trips that same week. Keeping kids interested is easy. “There’s never a dull moment, so they don’t get bored,” Kennedy continues. “if the fish aren’t biting in one place, we move to another, taking turns steering the boat. We spot dolphins, bald eagles, stingrays and sea turtles. We watch least terns dive straight down for minnows. “all the sea island guides are naturalists raised in this environment, and we like sharing our knowledge,” he adds. “We’ve taken thousands of kids fishing and are always successful in finding what is interesting to them. some may want to see dolphins and others may be focused on catching lunch. so much is going on.” as a testament to fishing’s popularity, Kennedy explains that his crew leads more than 1,200 trips per year, adding up to about 4,800 people participating in the pastime with guides at the resort annually. The high season is typically from march through august. “it’s really become a popular activity here,” Kennedy says. many graduate to four-hour adventures. “Those go to f reef, an artificial reef seven miles offshore where we catch bluefish, barracuda, trout, cobia, mackerel, bull redfish and sea bass,” says Kennedy. “about 70 percent of our guests are first-time anglers, and they come back asking for the same guides.” “Kids like quantity,” he says. “my office door is covered with their thank you notes, and one guy who caught 137 fish drew 137 little fish on his card! a few fish get taken home or to a sea island restaurant to be cooked. When kids eat what they caught, that’s a powerful lesson in where food comes from.” What’s not used for meals is released back into the water, which is the majority of fish caught. sea island’s excursions feature education disguised as fun, from casting to netting to natural history. guides point out loggerhead sea turtles poking their heads out of the water, spoonbills wading, ospreys building nests, skimmer birds flying low to catch fish and other wildlife in their natural habitats. The estuaries provide a scenic classroom, and guides take full advantage of their surroundings while fishing to educate children on the importance of the ecosystem, filling kids’ heads with interesting facts. “We’ll tell about the area’s history, like how some of the hardwood forest on little st. simons island has never been harvested, and how in st. simon’s sound there’s an artificial island made entirely of materials dredged to keep the shipping channels open,” Kennedy explains. “When we’re out on the water, lessons about nature are everywhere you look.” m Crabbing off The Cloister Dock

16 SEA ISLAND LIFE | SPRING/SUMMER 2013 whether you take your style cues from the runway or the seaway, you can’t go wrong with a cheerful coral as the weather turns warm. Reminiscent of sunsets, sea life and perhaps even your favorite flower, the bright and versatile color adds a little extra panache to any outfit or room. And the best part is that the shade of the season comes in a variety of tones and depths, so there’s a hue perfectly suited to any taste. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: HONEY PEACH TOYO HAT, $330, by Eugenia Kim (; FERIHA JACKET IN FIREWORK, $365, AMYA SOLID SILVER BALL BLOUSE IN NAVY, $325, ATTY EMBELLISHED SHORT IN CRÈME BRÛLÉE/DEEP SAPPHIRE, $598, 440 TOP HANDLE SMALL COLOR BLOCK BAG IN APRICOT/CHALK/ BLACK, $545, all by Diane von Furstenberg, at Sea Island Shop (912634-3138;; SUMMER BLEND TONAL DIAMOND V-NECK, $145, by Peter Millar, at Sea Island Golf Club Pro Shop at The Lodge (912-638-5118;; POM POM SARONG IN CORAL, $179, by Melissa Odabash, at Sea Island Surf Shop (912-634-3123;; SAFI COTTON MAXI KAFTAN, $374, by Melissa Odabash, at Sea Island Surf Shop. southern style KEEN ON CORAL SOMETIMES VIBRANT, SOMETIMES SUBTLE—THERE’S A SHADE OF CORAL FOR EVERYONE THIS SEASON. BY EMILY L. FOLEY

SPRING/SUMMER 2013 | SEA ISLAND LIFE 17 CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: PHULKARI EMBROIDERED PILLOW COVER, $49.50, by Pottery Barn (; ROSIE SETTEE, $1,779, by Key City Furniture (; TANGO MANDARIN BOX CANDLE, $29.50, by Archipelago, at Details on St. Simons Island (912-634-8884;; CRISTOBAL BY RAYNAUD TEAPOT, $523, by Michael C. Fina (; RASPBERRY/ CORAL/METALLIC SILVER POPPY NAPKIN, $16, by Vietri, at Accents Marketplace on St. Simons Island (912-638-2030; ❍ (912-634-8884;;

18 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 Putting in a new Direction ExplorE thrEE innovativE putting stratEgiEs offEring altErnativEs to thE traditional mEthod of anchoring a bElly puttEr. By Scott Kramer with possible rule changes on the horizon, many golfers who used the method of anchoring a belly putter to their bodies are now experimenting with alternatives that help them maintain their level of putting performance. for those who employed the anchoring method, short of returning to conventionallength putters, you have several options that may help you drop even more putts than when you were using the belly method. even golfers who’ve been using conventional putters may find these three approaches to be more to their liking, as they seemingly give players more control over distance and accuracy without having to stray too far from their current stroke. The first is an approach taken by pga Tour pro matt Kuchar, who holds the inside of his left arm against a long putter throughout the stroke. enlisting the help of sea island golf putting instructor mike shannon, who golf digest lists among america’s Top 50 greatest Teachers, Kuchar abandoned a short putter and went to this method three years ago. since then, he’s seen plenty of success on tour. This arm lock method conforms to the united states golf association rules. “players who’ve used a belly or long putter know that the best part of these putters is that there are no hinges, therefore there are mike Shannon teaching matt Kuchar the arm lock method in the swing

spring/summer 2013 | sea island life 19 no wrists in the stroke,” shannon explains. “This creates a very consistent stroke. matt thought that holding a conventional-length putter the ‘normal’ way was too loose with respect to arm motion.” With loose-hanging arms comes unwanted wrist motion that can cause a golfer to putt the ball much too hard. Thus, Kuchar tried pressing the putter to the inside of his left arm during the stroke, to eliminate any wrist movement. if you try this method, start in exactly the same address position you would with a conventional putter. The putter should rest against the inside left forearm. The putter’s grip should be the same as on a traditional model. Whether you use the right-hand-low or left-hand-low grip doesn’t matter. Once the putter is positioned correctly, take the same stroke as you would with a short putter. a warning, though: You’ll need to change one more putter characteristic before using it. “You’ll find that because the putter rests on the left arm, there will be a lot of forward tilt to the putter shaft,” shannon explains. “Thus, the conventional three or four degrees of loft won’t provide a true ball roll because the lack of loft will push the ball down into the putting surface, causing it to bounce. Based on the amount of forward shaft tilt, loft has to be added to the putter—until it’s six or eight degrees. This should provide a more accurate roll.” shannon says this method is a truly viable option for amateurs who have already switched to belly putters but don’t necessarily want to return to using a conventional putter. The next alternative is trying a short long putter. “This would be more for players who have used the belly putter in the past,” shannon says. “it involves reducing the belly putter length by two to three inches and stroking it just like it was a regular putter. Because the putter is still longer than a conventional model, it gives you the perception that you’re using a belly putter. Thus, you’re likely to keep the butt end of the club in the same place and not move it around—even though it isn’t fixed to your belly.” davis love iii employed this method at the end of the 2012 season. The third alternative method involves using a putter with a much heavier head than a conventional putter. The theory is: Once a heavier putter is in motion, it tends to stay on path during the stroke. Where a conventional putter has a swing weight between d-3 and e-0, this model should have a swing weight in the high e to low f range. “This is done by adding weight to either the putter head or the shaft,” shannon explains. “You want to add weight to the point where your stroke is less likely to change direction.” getting to that point can be done in three ways: You can buy a putter with a heavier head, you can buy an adjustable-weight putter and set the weights to the heavier options, or you can apply lead tape or powder to your current putter head. The experts at the sea island golf learning Center can help you find which of the putter options is best for your unique short game. and in the end, you’ll find a sense of calm as you take command on the green. m Matt Kuchar

20 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 since turning pro in 1985, golfer and sea island resident davis love iii, the son of former golf pro davis love Jr., has been a formidable presence on the pga Tour. in 2010, love brought the mcgladrey Classic, an official stop on the pga Tour, to sea island’s seaside Course, and the tournament has raised more than $850,000 for local charities over the past three years. as host of the mcgladrey Classic, and with 20 pga outward bound stand-up pro Sea ISland lIfe talkS to golfer davIS love III about hIS paSSIon for Stand-up paddleboardIng. By Judy Wells Tour tournament wins under his belt, it’s obvious what love can do with a golf club in his hands and the greens under his feet. But in recent years, love is just as likely to be found holding a paddle, standing on a board out on the water. for the last two years, the north Carolina native has managed to combine two of his passions in order to benefit his adopted home of sea island. first introduced to the stand-up paddleboard (sup) by mega-surfer and paddleboarder laird Hamilton, love brought his friend and agent mac Barnhardt to the sport, which the Outdoor industry association recently called one of the fastest growing water activities. The two became partners in Classic paddle and putt, a stand-up paddleboard shop in st. simons island’s redfern Village. in 2011, the shop hosted the golden isles sup Classic, which attracted 40-some competitors. The following year, the sup Classic coincided DOM FURORe/gOlF Digest; © cOnDé nast

spring/summer 2013 | sea island life 21 with the mcgladrey Classic, and 80 sup competitors, ranging from 14 to 70 years of age, took to the waters for the 7.5-mile race. The sup Classic takes place each fall and includes free demonstrations for those interested in learning more. at 48, love not only enjoys sup but utilizes it as another way to stay in shape, improve balance and strengthen his core, all of which help his golf game. Barnhardt endorses the sport as well: “it’s incredible exercise; the movements are very conducive to helping your golf swing.” sea island life caught up with love right before he embarked on the 2013 pga Tour, and asked him about his newfound passion. Sea Island Life: paddleboarding is something a lot of us haven’t tried yet. What is it like? Davis Love III: like learning to ride a bike, you feel very uncoordinated until you get it, then it becomes natural. [it] feels like paddling a canoe standing up at first. … You know you are getting wet! SIL: What prompted you to try it? DL: i just wanted another way to catch a wave, but found out flatwater paddling in the river or lake was fun too. SIL: What do you like the most about standup paddleboarding? DL: Catching waves when the surf is up. [it gives you] great balance and core exercise for golf. SIL: How would you rate the learning curve and difficulty? DL: like snowboarding, the first day is hard, then you progress quickly; a lesson the first time [is] critical. SIL: Has paddleboarding become a family passion? Your daughter, alexia (lexie), is an equestrian. Has she exchanged her paso finos for a paddleboard? DL: Just my son dru likes to [paddleboard] too; lexie likes horses and not sea creatures. SIL: are you still interested in turkey hunting or has paddleboarding replaced it? DL: paddleboarding is year-round, turkey season is just spring. as my wife, robin, says about my hobbies, “Why is something always in season?” SIL: do any of your friends stand-up paddleboard? if so, where do they do it? DL: [pga Tour players] lucas glover and Chris Kirk paddle at sea island. SIL: Your body seems to defy the rules of age. You’re beating the young guns at a time when most pros are looking forward to being competitive again on the Champions tour. do new activities like paddleboarding help keep you on your toes in other sports such as golf? DL: snowboarding … paddleboarding, working and hunting in the woods just give me another way and reason to stay in shape. my brain thinks i am 25, so [i’m] just trying to fool the body. SIL: is there a sport left on your bucket list that you have yet to try? DL: i am working on my deep powder snowmobiling, and my fly fishing, but what i really need to do is lose a sport from the list! m [SUP] is like learning to ride a bike. You feel very uncoordinated until you get it, then it becomes natural. —Davis Love iii “ ” Start Paddling Ready to get out on the water and try standup paddleboarding? Sea Island offers SUP rentals, clinics and private lessons. Call 888881-7313 for more information. DaviD W. LeinDecker /

22 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 Fountain oF Youth More kids and teens are heading to the spa for the saMe wellness benefits adults seek. By Laura Carson MiLLer and Linda doMingo the spa was once an adults-only domain, remaining a mystery to those under 18. massages, facials, scrubs and other services were geared toward women and men looking to unwind after a long week of work, or to escape from everyday stress. But while many spa treatments are designed to help guests maintain and enhance their natural qualities, the demographic of spagoers is expanding to kids and teens as many spas shift their focus from indulgence to overall wellness. Condé nast Traveler cited treatments for kids as one of the hot trends for spas in 2013. “Over the last decade, the biggest trend at spas is a shift from fussy, grown-up ‘pampering’ to wellness programs for all age groups,” says susie ellis, president of spafinder Wellness. Her company has recognized spa treatments becoming a family affair as a growing trend. many spas are developing targeted treatments and activities to address the needs of this growing demographic. not only do moms who love to spa enjoy sharing these experiences with their daughters, but kids and teens are discovering the fun in treating themselves and learning a thing or two about wellness along the way. “i consider everyone on our spa team a coach,” says donna mastrianni, director of spa and salon at sea island. On a spa visit, young guests can learn about fitness, nutrition, skin care, applying makeup and even dealing with stress. “With that shift [toward wellness] and a growing concern about multiple aspects of children’s health, more parents are open to introducing teens, tweens and even tots to the spa/wellness/fitness world at ever earlier ages,” ellis says. Offers where a teen can bring a friend and choose two services, as well as feature packages for moms and teens, are becoming more frequent on spa menus. facials and nail services are consistently popular with the younger generation, but many teens are venturing out to experience such services as foot reflexology, fitness, nutrition and creating their own scented products at special do-ityourself blending stations. How young is too young to spa? “Because more spas are moving towards this kind of wellness approach for kids from the earliest ages, i would say depending on the type of treatment/experience, children are never too young for a spa,” ellis says. if you’re interested in spa experiences for your child, check with the spa ahead of time to see what services it offers for the younger crowd, and what ages are most appropriate for those services. m just for teens The spa at sea island offers its own unique teen treatments for ages 13 to 16 using donne & Cavalli skin care products. Organic retreat (110 minutes) Focused on education and wellness for teens, this retreat includes a private yoga session, organic milk bath and massage. calm it DOwn (45 minutes) This hydrating milk facial helps to calm skin redness. Zap it (45 minutes) Teens will leave feeling clean and refreshed from this deep pore cleansing facial. mind + body made for kids a kid-friendly spa trip calls for kid-friendly products. The recently launched TooFruiT skin care line is designed just for little spagoers and is now used in kids’ spa treatments at sea island. Call The spa at sea island at 912-638-5148 for more information.

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24 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 just as mobile phones and tablets put a world of information in the palm of your hand, fitness equipment—such as treadmills, ellipticals and exercise bikes—are following suit, embracing the latest in technology and connectivity. from touch screens to ipod connections to sensors that record useful information (like calories burned and heart rate) that can be shared over the internet, equipment manufacturers are implementing high-tech capabilities to keep users engaged. at the forefront of this trend is precor, a company that designs and builds premium fitness equipment. sea island life sits down with precor Consumer marketing manager Jeff Hall to discuss the changing face of fitness and how to plug in and maximize your workouts. Sea Island Life: What different capabilities are we seeing with modern, high-tech fitness equipment? Jeff Hall: networked fitness equipment is coming of age now. most significant is the personalization that is possible from this technology. With touch screens and video on the new machines, exercisers can get much more information about a specific workout. The newest machines also offer Hd video content, internet connectivity, rss news feeds and iphone connectors. SIL: What are some of the ways this new equipment keeps exercisers coming back for more? JH: studies suggest that about one-third of health club members quit each year. Often it’s because a person fails to get guidance— the blending of fitness and technology makes greater personalization and education possible. it makes the saving of all your workout data easy and accessible. for instance, a personal trainer can create today’s workout plan for you based on the workout data that’s been uploaded to your profile. This is great for frequent travelers, as you can now work with your personal trainer when you aren’t even in the same city! SIL: How can users of the new high-tech equipment maximize its benefits? JH: With all of the tracking now possible to record and analyze, it’s easy to see progress, set goals and stay motivated. The outcome is exercisers who will remain more engaged and achieve the results they want in a safe and time-efficient way. m Gyms Go hiGh-tech The newesT fiTness equipmenT is inTeracTive, personalized and, mosT imporTanTly, effecTive. By Laura Carson MiLLer and Linda doMingo vacation fitness “By far the most impressive machine is the aMT (adaptive Motion Trainer),” says steve Hall, director of Fitness and squash at sea island, where new Precor equipment was installed in december 2012. “it’s a unique piece to Precor—basically a hybrid elliptical, stairmaster/stepmaster and arc Trainer allowing a full range of motion with zero impact.” The Precor equipment is the newest addition to the modern facility, which also includes indoor pools, Pilates, personal training and yoga. “our clients are impressed with all the functions and options the new pieces offer, and how ‘distracting’ the TV- and internet-capable console is, for making the workouts go by more quickly,” he adds. get fit

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26 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 Babies A and B even before they were born, ryan and Kyle mcCracken (now 14-yearolds) were future members of sea island. Their parents, members robert and debbie mcCracken, bought the twins legacy memberships— which will transfer to them when they are 25 years old—while the boys were still in the womb. debbie’s obstetrician called the soon-to-be-born children “Baby a” and “Baby B,” and that is what debbie called them in the resort’s legacy membership application. at the resort, the “baby” names stuck, and the boys were commonly known throughout sea island as Baby a (ryan) and Baby B (Kyle). more memberships may be in the family’s future. debbie explains, “On a recent visit, Kyle said, ‘This was the best place to grow up. i’m going to raise my kids here.’ ” Kyle - Baby B Ryan - Baby A A Horse Named Sea Island Thoroughbred racehorse sea island gained her name from the coastal retreat. Bred by the highly acclaimed phipps stable, the filly was born in 2009. Her sire is pulpit and her dam is resort. “We always try to name the foals having something to do with their dams,” says daisy phipps pulito, one of the stable’s owners. she notes that she married her husband, david, at sea island in 2010. The phipps’ have held two family reunions there and she, her father and brother have golfed at sea island many times. “When it came time to name [the racehorse], i was looking for a resort to name her after and checked with the Jockey Club registry, and sea island was available.” phipps pulito says, “it is a beautiful place and we have many fond memories there.” on the isle did you know? discover fun facts and stories about your favorite island. By VicKi Hogue-DAVies

spring/summer 2013 | sea island life 27 Favorite Things MeMber Helen Certain rentz Helen Certain rentz fondly remembers the time she spent at sea island as a child through her family’s membership and today she, her husband Jeffrey rentz, and their children are making their own memories as members. Her favorite … • Time of year: summer • Cocktail: a crisp, cold glass of pinot grigio from the river Bar • Dessert: the gold Brick sundae from the Beach Club snack bar • Outdoor activity: playing with her young boys at the beach and poolside at the Beach Club • Scenic spot: the view from an adirondack chair at The lodge • Sound: bagpipes at sunset at The lodge • Sunset-viewing spot: from the river Bar and Black Banks Terrace ••• frequent guest georgia bailey usry at 6 years old, georgia Bailey usry began visiting sea island every year with family and friends, and she has kept the tradition alive with her own family, which includes her 14-yearold daughter, Carolyn. Her favorite … • Time of day: sunset • Sunset-viewing spot: sitting on the lawn at the river Club • Meal: mussels at the river Bar • Activities: bingo, sailing, tennis and relaxing on the beach • Indoor spot: The spanish lounge at The Cloister • Outdoor spot: where the horse riding trail meets the beach on the undeveloped south end of the island • Wildlife activity: sea island’s falconry program • Overall favorite part of Sea Island: how family-oriented sea island is and the lifelong friends she’s made m Songs From Sea Island “The georgia sea island singers are so loved in this area,” says susan durkes, former site director for the smithsonian institution’s new Harmonies program, which highlights american music. “They are really, really, really talented singers.” sharing their gullah heritage through music, dance, stories and other performance art since the early 20th century, the singers have performed for several presidents, at two Olympic games and at other high-profile events, including the 2004 g-8 summit. Their music and stories reside in the library of Congress, and to this day the much-loved group, which has included many individuals throughout its history, performs periodically at sea island. The sea island singers evolved from an earlier group that amateur folklorist lydia parrish, wife of artist maxfield parrish, started around 1920. That group, called the spiritual singers society of Coastal georgia, was started partly to perform at The Cloister at sea island. in 1935, the group, which by then had become the sea island singers, was discovered by folk music field collector alan lomax while he was visiting st. simons island. lomax returned in 1959 to record them in what became the “alan lomax Collection, southern Journey” series. about today’s generation of singers, durkes says, “They are just unbelievable, and they relate beautifully with audiences.”

28 sea island life | spring/summer 2013 rattle the sack For more than 50 years, guests have been playing bingo at the Cloister at sea island. but bingo night is about more than games— it’s about Families, tradition and making memories. By amBer lanier nagle Jack Jenkins, aka Billy Bingo traditions jack Jenkins weaves through tables filled with colorful cards, cocktails and mocktails, and fierce competitors, drawing an electric energy from the crowd before making his way back to the front of the ballroom. “rattle the sack, Jack! shake the bag!” the crowd roars. The illustrious Jenkins abides—shaking and churning the purple bag before reaching in and plucking out one of the 75 balls. With all eyes glued on him, the 500 guests sit at the edge of their seats waiting for Jenkins to reveal the next number. after what feels like an eternity, Jenkins calls, “a couple of ducks! i-22!” On cue, the audience erupts into a chorus of whimsical quacks as guests scan their cards hoping to find the number 22. “Bingo night at The Cloister is a tradition here—it’s part of life,” says frankie strother, sea island’s director of membership and activities. “We think that bingo night spun off of early gaming activities some 50 years ago. Back in the day, our guests participated in crab races and other types of competitive games, and at some point, these activities evolved into more family-friendly nights of bingo.” But the game has changed a little since its early days at The Cloister. strother mentions a slight shift in bingo’s