fall/winter 2013/14 Sea Island lIfe Holiday Cuisine Redefined GaRdeninG witH CoaCH VinCe dooley tHe mCGladRey ClassiC soutHeRn weddinGs: tRaditional meets modeRn + Shaken, Not Stirred seasonally inspiRed aRtisanal CoCktails
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 3 we were thrilled with the response we received to our inaugural magazine. Thanks to your comments, we feel we’ve made this issue even better. As you explore sea Island in print and in person, I hope it will be easy to see why the readers of Travel + Leisure recently named The Lodge and The Cloister as the No. 1 and No. 2 resorts, respectively, and our spa as the No. 4 hotel spa in the continental U.s. In the fall, our thoughts turn to football—especially to Georgia football, for much of the sea Island family—so we thought it would be fun to feature Hall of Fame former Georgia football coach Vince dooley, who shares his passion for gardening in this issue. It’s also quail season, a longtime, storied southern tradition—one which you can discover at Broadfield, our Sporting Club and Lodge. For those who love the game of golf, we are excited to be hosting the fourth annual McGladrey Classic, an official PGA TOUR golf tournament held on our seaside Course. And if you are looking to improve your game, check out the tips from Craig Allan, master clubfitter. In this issue, we’ll also help you get ready for the holidays with ideas from top chefs and recommend ways to spice up the season with southern craft beers and sea Island specialty cocktails. during your stay at sea Island, however, leave the cooking and mixing to us while you enjoy our many dining venues. Or visit the spa, where even guys are getting in on the act and taking advantage of all types of spa services. don’t miss exciting new sea Island offerings in the Island News & Notes section, including The Market and The salon as well as details on some of our upcoming events. Or discover how you can give a unique gift during the holidays with our Adopt-a-Nest program, which helps protect sea turtles, with proceeds going to the Georgia department of Natural Resources. Learn how to adopt a nest for yourself or as a gift on page 70. I do hope you enjoy Sea Island Life. If there is anything our family can do for yours, please let me know. sincerely, Rick Riess Managing director, sea Island Welcome to Sea ISland and to the lateSt ISSue of Sea ISland lIfe! welcome
4 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 features 28. Makings of a ClassiC The spirited McGladrey Classic tournament returns to sea Island Golf Club’s seaside Course. By Scott Kramer 32. out of the Box Bold new ingredients, flavors and preparations are redefining holiday cuisine. By Neal Webster Turnage 36. Chasing gentleMan BoB A sport of the south, quail hunting is rich with tradition and history. By Damon M. Banks 40. tiMeless ColleCtions Inside the walls of America’s finest grand dame hotels, priceless art collections capture the personality and spirit of each timeless institution. By Jennifer Pappas 46. southern Belles When it comes to weddings, the south stays true to tradition while combining modern-day trends. By Lisa Marie Hart 52. artisanal CoCktails take flight Propose a toast to fall and winter with one-of-a-kind seasonal libations. By Michelle Franzen Martin 58. gardening with a legend Hall of Fame former football coach Vince dooley takes on a second career as a master gardener. By Gwyn Herbein 62. haBitat under the sea Georgia’s reefs might be man-made, but the abundant marine life—and the fishing fun—is the genuine article. By Risa Merl 66. the President’s watCh Watches have been essential to U.S. presidents’ work and wardrobes since the nation’s beginnings. By William George Shuster 66 46 52 SEA ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE FALL/WINTER 2013/14 Top: courTesy of MonTres Vulcain sa, BoTToM lefT: laura Grier of BeauTiful Day phoToGraphy
35% of all profits from the sale of Hidalgo’s Animal Collection rings will be donated to the Humane Society.
6 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 departments 3. Welcome letter 10. SeaSonal FlavorS: a SeaSon oF SWeetS Explore the latest dessert trends of the harvest season with Executive Pastry Chef Kurtis Baguley. 12. libationS: breWing local FlavorS The craft beer movement is on the rise in the south. 14. in the SWing: Fit to a tee Sea Island master clubfitter Craig Allan provides insider tips on how to swing the perfect fit. 16. Southern Style: White-hot Style Break the rules and break out your winter whites. 18. Family FirSt: together again Reunions turn families back toward their roots, allowing them to grow up and grow close, while creating lifelong memories. 20. outWard bound: Pedal PoWer Experience the joy of touring the islands on two wheels. 22. mind + body: gentleman’S SPa More men are hitting the spa for everything from facials to sports massages. 23. get Fit: exPertS Work out sea Island’s professional nutritionist and personal trainer share their tips for optimum health. 24. on the iSle: did you knoW? discover fun facts and stories from your favorite island. 26. traditionS: bagPiPeS at SundoWn The distinctive sound of bagpipes marks the end of the day on sea Island’s Plantation Course. 70. iSland neWS & noteS 74. Society sea Island Club member reception, “downton Abbey” dinner experience, “Antiques Roadshow” appraisers visit sea Island, Lilly Pulitzer weekend, July Fourth festivities. 86. then and noW: the Plantation SuPPerS A tradition since the 1950s, the Plantation suppers treat guests to good food, sunset views and sea Island hospitality. fall/winter 2013/14 Sea Island lIfe Holiday Cuisine Redefined GaRdeninG witH CoaCH VinCe dooley tHe mCGladRey ClassiC soutHeRn weddinGs: tRaditional meets modeRn + Shaken, Not Stirred seasonally inspiRed aRtisanal CoCktails FC_SI2.indd 1 9/17/13 4:30 PM 12 20 ArtisAn CoCktAils tAke Center stAge this seAson: see pAge 52 to leArn how mixologists Are shAking things up. 16 SEA ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE FAll/winter 2013/14 26
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8 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 editorial & design EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Steve Zepezauer CREATIVE DIRECTOR Sonia Chung GROUP EDITOR Micaela Myers MANAGING EDITOR Linda Domingo SENIOR EDITORS Allison Hata, Alli Tong ASSOCIATE EDITORS Tess Eyrich, Sharon Stello DESIGN TEAM Jenn Prewitt, Stephanie Castro, Paul Graff GRAPhIC DESIGNER/ASSISTANT EDITOR Karlee Prazak EDITORIAL INTERNS Jenna Conant, Katherine Lai, Lauren Matich CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jessica Rae Anderson, Damon M. Banks, Dulcy Gregory, Lisa Marie Hart, Gwyn Herbein, Scott Kramer, Michelle Franzen Martin, Risa Merl, Amber Lanier Nagle, Jennifer Pappas, Rachel Roberts Quartarone, Joe Rada, William George Shuster, Neal Webster Turnage PhOTOGRAPhER/PhOTO EDITOR Jody Tiongco DIGITAL MANAGING EDITOR Kim Zepezauer PUBLIShER Scott Sanchez sales NATIONAL ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Carrie Robles [email protected] 305-431-5409 NATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR Maryellen Case [email protected] 914-953-3202 PRODUCTION MANAGER Tina Leydecker PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Katie Essenfeld finance Cyndy Mendaros ChAIRMAN Allan Simon ChIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Steve Zepezauer PUBLIShER & ChIEF TEChNOLOGY OFFICER Scott Sanchez ©2013 By FIREBRAND MEDIA LLC. ALL RIghts REsERvED. No pARt oF thIs pERIoDICAL MAy BE REpRoDuCED IN ANy FoRM oR By ANy MEANs wIthout pRIoR wRIttEN CoNsENt FRoM sEA IsLAND LIFE. thE vIEws ExpREssED hEREIN ARE thosE oF thE AuthoRs AND ADvERtIsERs AND Do Not NECEssARILy REFLECt thosE oF thE owNERshIp oR MANAgEMENt oF thE MAgAzINE oR sEA IsLAND. TO OUR READERS: Sea Island Life invites you to share with us your reactions to our magazine. Send your correspondence to Editor, Sea Island Life, 250 Broadway, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 or to editor@ firebrandmediainc.com. The magazine accepts freelance contributions; however, unsolicited materials cannot be returned, and Sea Island Life accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to unsolicited materials. ADVERTISERS: For inquiries, please contact Scott Sanchez at [email protected]. Sea Island Life, 250 Broadway., Laguna Beach, CA 92651; 949-715-4100. PRESIDENT Scott Steilen MANAGING DIRECTOR Rick Riess VICE PRESIDENT, MARkETING & SALES Parra Vaughan MANAGER, MARkETING & CRM Jessica DiVincent STAFF PhOTOGRAPhER Eliot VanOtteren SEA ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE
10 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 along with brilliant colors and brisk weather, fall ushers in the season of sweets. The decadent desserts of the holidays abound beginning in November, and the parade of indulgence continues well into the New Year. At sea Island, Executive Pastry Chef Kurtis Baguley is especially inspired by this season of harvest and home. Baguley directs the dessert and pastry program for the resort and works in consultation with the other executive chefs and pastry chefs to develop desserts and baked goods that are fresh, flavorful and seasonal—a process that begins in July. This fall, he really wants to showcase desserts that deliver rich seasonal flavors but are lighter in texture: “Flavors can get a A SeASon of SweetS ExplorE thE latEst dEssErt trEnds of thE harvEst sEason with ExEcutivE pastry chEf Kurtis BagulEy. By Rachel RoBeRts QuaRtaRone seasonal flavors Pumpkin empanadas with spiced vanilla gelato and clear caramel sauce debut at sea Island this fall. little heavier [in fall and winter],” Baguley explains. “Nuts, chocolate, caramel and dried fruits are featured prominently. However, citrus is also in season and can help to lighten up the flavors and bring focus.” The fall season also gives some of the biggest dessert trends of the year a little more time to shine. doughnuts, for example, are making an appearance on fine dining menus nationwide. some say they are the “next cupcake.” At Sea Island, you can find miniature red velvet doughnuts on the small plates menu in the Georgian Room Lounge. The tiny, cake-inspired treat, topped with vanilla glaze, is a great way to satisfy a late night sweet tooth. Regional and international variations on the doughnut—from beignets and fritters to Italian bomboloni—will be on restaurant menus throughout the fall and winter seasons. Apples, caramel, bacon and fall fruits such as citrus, persimmon and quince pair perfectly with luscious deep-fried dough. Reminiscent of county fairs and fall festivals, and often paired with hot cocoa or coffee, the doughnut is on the rise for 2013 and 2014. The rise of the doughnut plays into an overall dining trend focused on comfort and nostalgia—but incorporating a modern touch. Classic desserts may appear on a menu, but in a deconstructed or frozen form. Artisan ice creams are a major trend that has been embraced by fine dining establishments. Even in the winter, a touch of the frozen
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 11 indulgence can add drama and richness to a warm fruit cobbler or slice of pecan pie. “Ice cream is a year-round standard,” Baguley says. Throughout his 28-year career, he has been making his own ice creams and sorbets when house-made ice cream was a relatively new concept. He enjoys playing with nostalgic flavors like orange Creamsicle and banana split. “I love to take the classics and twist them up a little,” Baguley says. Another dessert trend chef Baguley notes is that restaurants are offering more gluten-free options for sweets alongside their gluten-free Chef’s sweet seCrets Executive Pastry Chef Kurtis Baguley shares a red velvet doughnut recipe, just in time for the holidays. WEt ingrEdiEnts: 3 tablespoons red food coloring (liquid, not gel) 2 eggs 1 teaspoon fine lemon zest ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 ½ cups buttermilk dry ingrEdiEnts: 4 ½ cups all-purpose flour 1 cup granulated sugar ½ teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoons fine grind salt 4 tablespoons dark cocoa powder 2 tablespoons unsalted, melted butter For the glaze: 4 cups powdered sugar ½ cup whole milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract MEthod: in a bowl, sift together all dry ingredients. in another bowl, whisk together all wet ingredients except butter. Whisk in melted butter to the wet ingredients and quickly combine wet and dry ingredients. After mixing into a dough, knead the dough a few times to smooth and make consistent. on a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to ½-inch thick. Cut to desired shapes. deep fry at 365 degrees F for approximately 4½ minutes, flipping over halfway through frying. drain on paper towels. Whisk all ingredients for the glaze together until smooth, keep covered. When ready, dip top of doughnuts into glaze and set to dry. entrées and drinks. Chefs are using alternate grains like buckwheat, coconut flour, cornmeal and almond meal to create amazingly decadent desserts. This fall, Baguley will debut a new gluten-free dessert: pumpkin empanadas with spiced vanilla gelato and clear caramel sauce. The empanadas feature a flaky crust and are filled with a delectable pumpkin purée. “I want to give people the sweet flavors that they really want, but still meet dietary needs,” he adds. Finally, one trend that Baguley believes is here to stay is an increased focus on local, regional and seasonal ingredients. Hyper-local sourcing is growing in popularity. Restaurants are carefully sourcing their ingredients from their own gardens or select artisanal food purveyors in their area. sea Island is fortunate to have a garden at Broadfield, A Sea Island Sporting Club & Lodge, to supply much of its produce, eggs and artisanal food products. The resort chefs also work with nearby sapelo Farms. Diners will find their honey on the Georgian Room’s cheese plate and in many resort recipes. Whatever the season, one thing is certain: desserts taste that much sweeter with fresh, organic ingredients. m top: Chef Baguley at work in the sea island pastry kitchen and bakery; bottom: Miniature red velvet doughnuts with vanilla glaze are on the menu in the georgian room Lounge. ’tis the season some of the season’s best produce is grown right here in the south. during fall and winter months, these ingredients will be the stars of your sweet treats. APPLEs: August – november PEArs: August – november PECAns: september – december PuMPKin: August – december WintEr squAsh: August – december sWEEt PotAtoEs: August – november orAngEs: october – May tAngErinEs: september – May
12 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 Brewing LocaL FLavors The crafT beer movemenT is on The rise in The souTh. By Michelle Franzen Martin Sea island features local Southern craft brews such as those pictured above at the Davis love Grill. libations when sweetWater Brewing Co. opened 16 years ago in Atlanta, it was one of a few craft beer producers in the south. “The south, unfortunately, was behind the beer times,” says sweetWater’s head brewer, James Nock. “The beer that was available [at that time] basically had a malt profile where you got sweet and caramel flavors and little aroma. … [Today] it’s booming. The door has been opened and people are experiencing a wide variety of different styles of locally made beers.” The craft beer industry in the U.s.—which includes brewpubs, microbreweries, regional craft breweries and contract brewing companies—has grown 60 percent from 2002 to 2012, according to the Boulder, Colo.-based Brewers Association. With the growing popularity of craft brewing nationally, it’s not surprising that the south is following the trend. Craft brewers in southern states produced 1.52 million barrels of beer in 2012, which was 11.5 percent of the national production total, says Bart Watson, staff economist for the Brewers Association. “In 2012, there were 372 craft brewers in the region,” Watson says. “I don’t have a specific geographic comparison to 10 years ago, but it’s safe to say that number has increased sharply.” Brock Wagner, who in 1994 founded saint Arnold Brewing Co. in Houston, sees the growth firsthand. Saint Arnold was Texas’ first craft brewery. “Craft brewers wake up in the middle of the night thinking of a better way or a better ingredient,” Nock explains. “Their minds are always focused on the product. We are 100 percent about quality of the beer and superior ingredients.” “Craft brewing is exploding,” Wagner adds. “In the past 24 hours, I found out about five new breweries opening in Texas that I hadn’t yet heard about. Every restaurant that opens it seems is putting in multiple craft brews and has a special beer menu.” sea Island is one place that has made a point to feature southern craft brews on its restaurants’ menus. “It really isn’t
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 13 Freddy Bensch founded Atlanta-based SweetWater Brewing Co. in 1997. SweetWater Brewing Co. pale ale Saint Arnold Brewing Co. is Texas’ oldest craft brewery. important to feature them, rather it is an imperative,” says Ryanne Carrier, the resort’s beverage manager. “[It] falls into the philosophy of featuring products that have a sense of place. To feature both beers and spirits that are produced locally gives our resort guests the opportunity to taste products that are most likely unavailable to them [elsewhere].” By definition, craft brewers produce 6 million or fewer barrels per year. Unlike massproduced beers, most craft beers are made using traditional ingredients, which are typically more full-flavored than the standard light American lager. Wagner has watched the popularity of craft beer continue to grow. “Today we find people visiting our brewery on their 21st birthday,” he muses. “That never would have happened a decade ago.” He adds that southern states traditionally had laws that were less friendly to craft brewers than laws in the Northern states. That’s beginning to change as one law now allows Texas brewpubs to distribute beer outside of their establishment. Whether they’re buying it at a brewpub or in the store, do southerners have a favorite beer? Yes and no, the brewers say. “Certainly, there is a preference for many of the lighter-style craft beers,” Wagner says. “At the same time, IPAs (India pale ales) are immensely popular here. Our Elissa IPA has been one of our fastest-growing brands over the past five years.” Flavor profiles are distinct here, with beers drawing from classic local tastes such as pecans, cane syrup and bourbon barrel, Carrier notes. “Different breweries are utilizing these staples to create unique brews that are true to the culture from which they come,” she adds. Given the nature of the craft beer movement, location also dictates a favorite. “southerners are recreational, and I believe they drink to the environment,” Nock comments. “If you’re on the coast, you might go lighter. If you are in the hills, you might go darker. A wheat ale for the beach, a porter for the Appalachian Trail, IPA for the picnic and a brown ale for the relaxing evening out.” As the craft beer movement continues to grow in the South and throughout the country, it’s likely the list of favorite ales, lagers, porters, stouts and other varieties will grow with it. ❍ SOUTHERN SIPS Beverage manager Ryanne Carrier and the Sea Island culinary staff pride themselves on offering some of the South’s distinctive craft brews, with a focus on Georgia breweries, alongside a list of meticulously curated options from around the world. Here’s a look at some of the beers available throughout the resort: Wild Heaven: This Georgiabased company has plans to open up a brewery in Avondale Estates soon. Guests can find Wild Heaven’s Belgian-style Invocation in Southern Tide and the Davis Love Grill. Tavola serves the brewery’s Let There Be Light, an American ale, and Oak Room serves their imperial brown ale, Ode to Mercy. SweetWater Brewing Co.: The brewery’s 420 Extra Pale Ale can be found at the River Bar and the Davis Love Grill; this West Coast-style ale is best savored after a day spent at the beach. Terrapin Beer Co.: The Athens-based brewery’s Hopsecutioner IPA will please hops lovers; it’s available at Southern Tide and the Davis Love Grill. Lazy Magnolia: From a couple states west comes Lazy Magnolia’s Southern Pecan Brown Nut Ale. Served at the Davis Love Grill, this Mississippi brewery’s offering won bronze in the 2006 World Beer Cup in the specialty beer category. IMAGES COURTESY OF SWEETWATER BREWING CO.
14 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 Fit to a tee Sea ISland maSter ClubfItter CraIg allan provIdeS InSIder tIpS on how to SwIng the perfeCt fIt. By Scott Kramer club to your swing. The center, which Golf Digest listed among America’s 100 Best Clubfitters in 2013, employs two full-time clubfitters with more than 30 years of experience—one being manager Craig Allan. Armed with the latest, state-of-the-art technology, including two TrackMan Launch Monitors—sophisticated, three-dimensional doppler radars measuring golf club and ball flight data in real time—the center allows golfers to test the latest equipment from most major club brands in live conditions, and then quantify the results. sea Island’s “Best of Class by Category” approach allows golfers to test multiple brands in each product category. Fittings can help determine the optimal launch conditions for your unique swing; your correct set makeup, including fairway metals, hybrids and wedges; or confirm the performance of your existing clubs, including exact yardage calculations. “We’ve been using the industry-leading Sea Island employs two full-time clubfitters and state-of-the-art technology to ensure golfers are matched with the perfect set of clubs. in the swing there’s no mistaking the importance of clubfitting these days. Technology has gotten so sophisticated and precise that your golf swing and ball flight can be quickly broken down into thousands of data points. This data can then derive the exact clubs and specifications you need to be able to strike the ball better, further and with more efficiency. sea Island’s Golf Learning Center is among the best destinations that can fit the perfect
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 15 Stewart Cink Zach Johnson An array of equipment brands awaits golfers at Sea Island’s Golf Learning Center. TrackMan Radar as our launch monitor technology for several years now,” Allan says. A slew of tour pros, including davis Love III, Harris English, Brandt snedeker, stewart Cink and Zach Johnson have consulted Allan on their clubs. “Rather than focus on one equipment brand for fitting, we have fitting tools for the leading performers in all categories,” Allan explains. “We’re a regional fitting center for both Nike and Titleist, as well as an advanced fitting location for TaylorMade, PING, Mizuno, Cleveland, Cobra, Callaway, Adams and Tour Edge.” Each fitting session starts with a short interview while the golfer warms up, which allows Allan and his staff an opportunity to get some background on the golfer, as well as learn about his or her goals, and also lets the golfer get comfortable with the process. Regardless of what clubs the player’s being fitted for, the staff always uses the golfer’s current club as the baseline so that they’re able to assess tendencies and get a defined target to exceed. “Once we have the data from the current club, we will test new equipment against it—keeping in mind the player’s preferences as well as shot tendencies,” Allan says. “At the end of the fitting, we should have a consensus between player and data on a club or set that will clearly outperform the old, and something the player is excited about.” Allan recognizes that there are many different club options from which golfers can choose, almost all of which will perform well for someone. “Each golfer is unique and therefore should take the time to be fitted for clubs that will maximize performance so they can truly enjoy the game,” he says. “There are very few players who will not benefit from a clubfitting session, as it truly is the fastest way to improve your game. We do, however, run into a golfer occasionally who has some swing issues that should first be addressed before they invest in new clubs.” Allan says he recently helped a woman understand launch angles and carry distances as they related to her slower clubhead speed. “Ultimately, we added some lofted fairway woods, hybrids and additional wedges to her set, which she said changed her game,” Allan says. “We strive to have this effect with every fitting we do. Well-fit clubs will enhance and improve a player’s game. ... A set of clubs should work together and address both a player’s strengths and weaknesses. Many people focus on the driver, as they understandably want to hit [the ball] further, but even though driving the ball is important, it’s only part of the equation that makes up playing well.” Consider how the staff at sea Island Golf Learning Center helped Jon Clarkson of Houston: “Their clubfitting technology is cutting edge,” says the amateur golfer. “The equipment changes they’ve recommended to me as time has marched on, with inevitable swing and flexibility issues, have been great and allowed me to stay competitive.” The world’s best golf players also praise Allan’s abilities. Whenever PGA TOUR pro Harris English’s equipment sponsor PING sends him new clubs, he typically takes them directly to Allan. “That’s to make sure all of the specs are accurate for my swing,” English explains. “He’s one of the best in the business and has a great eye. He makes my job easier. That allows me to have the confidence to know that the clubs are right and I can just swing away.” m DaviD W. LeinDecker/shutterstock.com
16 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 when it comes to fashion, there are practically no rules—take the dated adage, “No white after Labor day.” Runway designers have been embracing the winter white trend and, this year, white has shaped up to be a key player in wearable fashions as well as home décor. start a fresh tradition and serve your guests on chic white porcelain, while being cleverly styled in an off-white holiday dress topped with cascading frosty pearls. While shopping this trend, be sure to look for substantial pieces, and don’t be afraid to mix in shades of cream. southern style WHITE-HOT STYLE BREAK THE RULES AND BREAK OUT YOUR WINTER WHITES. BY JESSICA RAE ANDERSON 1. 3. 5. 4. 2. 6. 1. ELENA ANTONIADES FITTED DRESS WITH BOUCLÉ TRIM IN OFF-WHITE, $668 (ELENAANTONIADES.COM). 2. TIFFANY & CO. GREAT GATSBY COLLECTION TASSEL PENDANTS OF DIAMONDS, FRESHWATER CULTURED PEARLS AND PLATINUM, $350 (TIFFANY.COM). 3. ISLAND CO. TRINITY DRESS IN WHITE, $255 (SEA ISLAND SURF SHOP; 912-634-3123). 4. KATE SPADE PALM BEACH SLOAN BAG, $458 (SEA ISLAND GOLF CLUB PRO SHOP AT THE LODGE; 912-6385118). 5. ERIC JAVITS MARIBEL HAT IN WHITE, $295 (SEA ISLAND SHOP; 912-634-3138). 6. CAFFÉ SWIMWEAR PAREO WITH CRYSTAL DETAIL IN WHITE, $220 (CAFFESWIMWEAR.COM).
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 17 7. John-RichaRd fingeR coRal sculptuRe RepRoduction, $275, MontipoRa coRal sculptuRe RepRoduction, $225, and tRiton shell sculptuRe RepRoduction, $275 (hoRchow.coM). 8. nest luxuRy scented classic candle, $34 (sea island shop). 9. Joy to the woRld oRnaMent featuRing the lodge and the cloisteR, $55 (sea island shop and sea island golf club pRo shop at the lodge). 10. Maison de Vacances quilted Metalized Vice VeRsa pillow in blanc, $225 (calypsostbaRth.coM). 11. lunaRes hoMe beaded platteRs, $35 - $125 (sea island shop). 12. Kate spade new yoRK dot/stRipe salt and peppeR set, $30 (lenox.coM). 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
18 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 there is truth in ancestry, and sometimes the best way for people to reconnect with their roots begins with the names and faces on their own family trees. In today’s fast-paced, whirlwind society, family reunions are too few and far between: Limited time off, full schedules and geographical separations can create a considerable challenge for getting together. Yet, those same reasons make reunions of every shape and size more important than ever. More personal than an email, deeper than a phone call and capable of creating unspeakably powerful bonds that will endure far beyond sharing a few photos online, reuniting helps families stay connected through the waves of life’s changes. The tradition of such grand gatherings didn’t fade away with evolving times; rather, they’ve adapted to take on a fun and practical new form to better suit today’s modern family. Whether it’s a vacation that feels like a family reunion or a family reunion that feels like a vacation, destination reunions are a profound and fast-growing trend that resonates with everyone, both young and young at heart. A destination family reunion offers long, lazy days made for reminiscing, catching TogeTher AgAin Reunions tuRn families back towaRd theiR Roots, allowing them to gRow up and gRow close, while cReating lifelong memoRies. By lisa marie hart family Destination family reunions build bonds, create traditions and offer fun for every generation.
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 19 up on the latest family news, creating new memories and, as its greatest value, staying vibrant and strong as a family year after year. sea Island Executive Meetings Manager Holly Hersey, who helps plan numerous reunions every year, notes that many families build their gatherings around a birthday, anniversary or other landmark family event. Gretchen Johnston Carpenter has taken her daughters and their families to sea Island for two destination reunions, including one that took place on her birthday. Both reunion trips were coordinated by her son-in-law, Jamie McLawhorn, who says that choosing a venue with exceptional service makes all the difference. “sea Island makes things easy for everyone, and our family is always comfortable there,” McLawhorn says. “With family holidays, someone is always hosting. At sea Island, it feels like we are at a family home, but [sea Island is] hosting.” Hersey explains that booking well in advance for a destination gathering can help secure preferred dates and room types, ensuring that there’s plenty of time to work with staff to set up reservations and other group activities. “some families assign one person to coordinate dinners and another to Gretchen Johnston Carpenter celebrated her 70th birthday with a family reunion at Sea Island. The festivities included Gretchen’s daughters and their families. Here, Gretchen enjoys time with her seven grandchildren, ages 3 to 15, on The Cloister grounds overlooking Black Banks River. scott hopkins photography coordinate activities,” she says. With so many different appetites, the task of reaching a consensus for catered events risks becoming an event in itself—all the more reason to plan ahead. Hersey recommends narrowing down the selection to two or three menus that will suit any palate. If the reunion centers around a birthday celebration or anniversary, the celebrants should be given the honor of selecting the cuisine. Before coordinating any activities, it’s most important to consider what the family hopes to take away from the experience, Hersey adds. Whether families seek a laidback stay with plenty of opportunities to reminisce and reconnect, or days packed with adventure and exploration, all reunion itineraries should be personalized to maximize time spent together. McLawhorn says the sea Island staff worked hard to understand how his family wanted to spend their time and provided customized suggestions to suit all ages—he remembers the father-and-son fishing trips as just one of the many highlights. “Count on a family meal together each night and a few group activities like a fishing trip or a family shooting tournament,” Hersey says. “The tournaments are a great confidence builder for children—who can shoot at the air rifle bull’s-eye course—and a unique family competition. ... The instructors make sure that every person in the family experiences success.” “We often do things separately, then end up all running into each other later at the pool or for family beach time—which is the best,” McLawhorn adds. “Though our children might say the best parts [are] the family outings for ice cream.” The best advice Hersey can offer, however, is to forget overplanning. “Overscheduling is a sure way to exhaust yourself and your family,” she explains. “Build in free time, and everyone will have a great time.” One or two planned activities per day is more than enough to allow individuals time to explore personal interests, such as tennis, golf, kayaking or just soaking up sun on the beach. Personalization is key to a modern and meaningful family reunion. The best destination gatherings are packed with surprises, designed to make memories and include a personal touch at every turn that represents each family’s history, preferences and own unique style of getting the most out of life’s journey, together. m
20 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 some describe the overwhelming sense of freedom and exhilaration reminiscent of their childhoods. Others revel in the wind tousling their hair and the sunshine warming their shoulders as they coast on two wheels. Nothing compares to hopping on a bicycle and pedaling from one place to another. It is one of life’s simplest and most glorious pleasures and, at sea Island, biking is just another component of the laid-back beach culture that continuously captivates members and guests. “With about 8.5 miles of flat, bike-friendly paths and lanes, cycling is by far the best way to see sea Island—to experience the homes, outward bound Pedal Power ExpEriEncE thE joy of touring thE islands on two whEEls. By AmBer LAnier nAgLe geography, waterfront and culture,” explains Fred Collins, a tour guide at sea Island’s bike shop, Pedal. “You can’t possibly get the same experience by car. And with the 2-mile path now linking sea Island to st. simons Island, cyclists have easy access to [st. simons] 40 miles of bike pathways, too.” Guests can bike the entire length and circumference of both islands without riding on the road. Along the way, they can more intimately encounter the shimmering waves of the Atlantic, the clusters of stately palms, and the towering live oaks draped elegantly in spanish moss. They can pull over, park their bikes, breathe in the salty air and experience the Golden Isles’ panorama—up close and personal. “One popular bike excursion is the trail that winds to the north of st. simons,” Collins explains. “It’s a beautiful ride that takes cyclists to two historical landmarks, Christ Church and Fort Frederica National Monument.” History abounds at every turn. At the site of Christ Church, John and Charles Wesley preached under the oaks in 1736 before returning to England to help found the Methodist Church. The original church was built in 1820, but was partially destroyed by Union troops; the present, Gothic-style structure was built in 1884. Established in 1736, Fort Frederica was the southernmost outpost that secured Georgia’s future as a
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 21 British colony. The bike trails that meander southward on St. Simons have a different flavor. “They end at the Pier Village shopping and lighthouse area,” Collins says. “The lighthouse goes back to 1872 with 129 steps that climb to the top. The A.W. Jones Heritage Center is next door to the lighthouse, and the Pier Village offers all sorts of fun activities, restaurants, souvenir and specialty shops, and a popular fishing pier.” Each week, Pedal offers four guided tours that range from 9 to 18 miles. Those who prefer the freedom of freewheeling without a guide can pick up a self-tour map at the bike shop. People who haven’t straddled a bike in years need not worry: Biking is a relaxing activity on Sea Island. The terrain is flat, with no hills for a 100-mile radius, except for the bridges to the mainland. “Our bikes are easy to use,” Collins explains. “We carry 10 different models in four different sizes for both men and women. Most of our bikes are single-speed cruisers with coaster brakes and comfortable seats. And yes, we offer child carrier seats, trailers for children up to 80 pounds, and small bikes with or without training wheels.” Pedal also offers an adult tandem bike—a bicycle built for two—and an adult tricycle for rental to sea Island guests. Experienced cyclists who want to get out and really hammer the roads can rent 27-speed Trek racing bikes in three different sizes with a variety of pedal systems. Aside from the pure joy of pedaling around the islands, cycling and other forms of exercise work the muscles, boost heart health and help bodies release those feel-good endorphins that make people happy. Jim sayer, executive director of Adventure Cycling Association, lauds the health and wellness benefits of biking. Sayer describes cycling as “one of the highest-yield, lowest-impact kinds of exercise around. We constantly hear people say that cycling has helped them lose weight and boost their self-esteem. ... It’s easy on their bones, joints and backs, and ... it’s great for their spirit.” It’s true—there’s something uplifting and purely organic about riding a bike. And with an abundance of sites to explore and miles and miles of smooth bike paths and lanes on sea Island and beyond, it’s time to hop on and get rolling. m tips for the road Wondering how to prepare and what to take along for the ride? Fred Collins, tour guide at Pedal, offers a few suggestions to make riding around the island a more pleasant experience: • Dress casually, in light-colored clothing. • Wear comfortable shoes that protect your feet—tennis shoes are preferred. • Don’t forget to apply sunscreen, consider wearing a hat or helmet and sunglasses, and take water along for the ride (baskets can be affixed to rental bikes for convenience). • Take your cellphone in case you need to call the bike shop for assistance (and to take photos). • Bring a map to help guide you. • Carry cash and/or a credit card to purchase refreshments or unique finds along the way. • Contact room service for a packed picnic basket that fits perfectly in your bike basket. Picnic baskets can be customized but typically offer water, fruit, a sandwich of choice, potato salad, chips and a chocolate chip cookie from the bake shop—perfect for a break along the bike path! Ride to Fort Frederica to see the historic site of centuries-old imperial conflict. Christ Church, built in 1884, is a beautiful place to visit by bike. goldenisles.com goldenisles.com
22 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 Gentleman’s spa More Men are hitting the spa for everything froM facials to sports Massages. By Dulcy GreGory traditionally, a certain image comes to mind upon the mention of the word “spa”—women relaxing, rejuvenating and receiving treatments. But the once female-dominated space is evolving. Today, the spa touches almost everyone, from preteens to baby-boomers, from career-minded women to 20-something men. President of the International spa Association Lynne McNees says, “Our latest consumer research has shown that men now make up 47 percent of spa-goers. This is an encouraging number because for the longest time men only made up 30 percent.” so what made so many men change their minds? While McNees points out that stress— which is gender neutral—is the No. 1 reason that both men and women seek spa treatments, donna Mastrianni, director of The spa and salon at sea Island, feels that media is a main driver. “A lot of articles written in today’s papers and magazines stress the notion of putting your best face forward,” she says. “And mind + body Products for him The following products are available at The Spa at Sea Island’s retail shop: ClarisoniC Featured in the Steam clean Facial, this patented sonic micro-massage brush loosens and removes dirt and oil from pores while increasing circulation. skin authority Skin Authority’s Age Defying product line helps break down layers of damage and dirt. JaCk BlaCk With products like the electric Shave enhancer and Super cream Triple cushion Shave lather, the Jack Black brand gives a beneficial boost to any lackluster shave routine. men are finding out that the spa is the place to go to not only look great, but feel healthy.” That trend is evident at The spa at sea Island. Men have always come in for massages, but according to Mastrianni, more men are coming to the spa for facials. “I recommend the steam Clean Facial,” she says. “The sequence of exfoliation, extractions, a clay mask and steamed, scented towels results in very clean skin with refined pores. It’s a simple yet satisfying treatment for men.” Another steadfast favorite among male guests is the Sports Specific Massage, a combination of massage techniques and stretching movements that works specific muscle groups (pre- or post-workout) to reduce recovery time and increase flexibility. Mastrianni has also noticed a jump in the number of men participating in fitness classes, such as yoga and Pilates, at The sea Island Fitness Center. she recently recalled a specific group of golfers (all men) who wanted to match each round of golf with a yoga class. No doubt the percentage of men who visit spas will continue to expand; however, for first timers, the thought of going to a spa can be a bit unnerving. For men who have yet to take the plunge, McNees has a few words of wisdom: “I would tell the first time spa-goer to keep in mind that ultimately the spa experience is about one thing: you. Your comfort, your goals and your peace of mind are at the heart of every spa experience.” m
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 23 itness experts—athletes, personal trainers, coaches and nutritionists— help us on our journey to achieve our health and fitness goals when we’re at the gym. But what do they do when they go home? How do they keep themselves in tiptop shape while helping thousands of people learn to work out and eat right? We asked Sea Island’s Daniel “Ox” Hocutt and Joyce Mattox about their own healthy habits and favorite principles that keep them on the path to wellness. “Fitness for me is both an indoor and outdoor activity,” says Hocutt, a certified personal trainer at The spa at sea Island and Fitness Center. “For every two days I spend inside a gym lifting, I spend at least one outside riding bikes, battle rope training or flipping and beating a tractor tire.” Because not everyone is able to work out for a living, Hocutt has some advice for squeezing in exercise throughout the day, whether you’re at a desk or on your feet. If a desk job keeps you tied up inside, replace your office chair with a stability ball, or set an alert on your computer that reminds you to get up and move ExpErts Work out Sea ISland’S profeSSIonal nutrItIonISt and perSonal traIner Share theIr tIpS for optImum health. By Dulcy GreGory get fit 30/20/10 you’ll get a little bit of everything for your body: 30 minutes of cycle, 20 minutes of strength with abs and 10 minutes of stretching. Hot topics on nutrition Develop healthy eating habits and learn to make smart dietary choices (advance reservations required). oxercise This dynamic, full-body workout focuses on flexibility and power movements. Visit seaisland.com/spa-and-fitness for class details and times. around every 15 to 20 minutes. If you’re standing for eight hours, do trunk rotations by twisting at the waist and alternate from one foot to the other to work on balance. Calf raises are another great exercise for circulation. For Hocutt, fitness didn’t always come easy, nor did eating right. Having started his journey at 325 pounds (he’s since lost 125 pounds), he had plenty of obstacles to clear. “Discipline happens only after a habit of consistency is created,” he says. “Most of my healthy eating habits revolve around moderation—but I have my vices! I’ll eat a chocolate bar or have a muffin from time to time, but for the most part, I eat very clean. Fruits and veggies make up roughly 75 percent of my diet. That is what you will find in my fridge along with fish, chicken and maybe a little skim milk.” Discipline is also a cornerstone concept for Mattox, The spa at sea Island and Fitness Center’s nutritionist and lifestyle coach. But so is simplicity. “Don’t make dieting so hard; food shouldn’t be complicated,” she says, “I don’t teach calories or diets; I teach lifestyle.” At Sea Island, evidence of the easygoing Mediterranean lifestyle is evident, especially in the Spa kitchen where fish, tomatoes, beans, extra-virgin olive oil and green leafy vegetables are always on hand. Mattox teaches several nutrition classes each week. Her best culinary advice is to choose “real” foods. “People are always looking for gluten-free, fat-free and sugar-free to lose weight, but this is the exact opposite of what you should be eating,” she advises. “If it comes in a package, don’t buy it. Choose real, natural, fresh foods and always keep a water bottle nearby.” When it comes to trending “superfoods,” Mattox has been using a lot of kefir. “It’s a lot like yogurt,” she explains, “but it has about 10 different cultures compared to yogurt, which only has two. It works great in smoothies.” No matter what you eat, in the end, eating right is all about mindfulness. Mattox recommends yoga and a supplementary exercise. “Take a yoga class to practice mindfulness and breathing,” she says. “Stop by the smoothie bar, then pay a visit to the resort’s Georgian Dining Room to savor the flavors from the wellness menu. Sit down and eat. Chew your food and, most importantly, take your time.” m Personal trainer Daniel “ox” Hocutt Nutritionist Joyce Mattox Head to Class Daniel “ox” Hocutt and Joyce Mattox name some of their favorite classes: f
24 sEA IsLANd LIFE | FALL/WINTER 2013/14 Worker Bees About a half-million of sea Island’s team members live and work at Broadfield, A Sea Island Sporting Club and Lodge. That number may seem high, but considering that each is about the size of a quarter, they all manage to fit comfortably into the 10 beehives on the property. About 50,000 to 60,000 bees inhabit each hive, working full time to produce fresh honey for Sea Island chefs. These industrious workers gather around one-tenth of a teaspoon in their entire lives. To produce just one pound of honey, bees will fly distances that equal about twice the Earth’s circumference. Wondering About Wonderland Guaranteed to satisfy any sweet tooth, Wonderland, the Beach Club’s ice cream and candy shop, sold approximately 1,092 tubs of ice cream and 5,578 pounds of candy in 2012. The shop carries more than 65 varieties of candy, and that number includes more than just your typical sweets. Giant jawbreakers will satisfy those who aren’t happy with conventional confections, and gummy snakes—some almost two feet long—are good bets for big appetites. Also available are unique candies like Wax Bottles, Candy Buttons and even maple bacon taffy. The shop also carries temptations of the frozen variety: More than 18 ice cream flavors await guests who are enjoying a day at the beach or pool. The two most popular flavors may surprise you—Wonderland patrons favor vanilla for its versatility (plenty of toppings will make any scoop interesting) and “C is for Cookie,” the bright dessert that’s known for turning many a mouth blue. on the isle did you know? Discover fun facts anD stories about your favorite islanD. By AmBer LAnier nAgLe 7 The number of U.S. presidents who have planted commemorative live oak trees at The Cloister. Two British prime ministers and one queen also have planted oaks on Sea Island. 1930 The year Bobby Jones played the Seaside nine. He wrote a note to sea Island founder Howard Coffin, saying, “Just finished playing Seaside nine, one of the best golf courses I have ever played.” Jones won the Grand Slam in golf later that year.
FALL/WINTER 2013/14 | sEA IsLANd LIFE 25 Frequent Guest Dr. Patrick MalcolM dr. Patrick Malcolm has been a regular guest at sea Island since 1968. He and his family visit the resort several times each year. According to Malcolm, he visited between 15 and 20 times last year alone. His favorite … Month: “september used to be my favorite time of year on sea Island because the water is warmer, but I can’t really say that anymore. My favorite month? All of them!” MealtiMe exPerience: sitting at the Chef’s Table at the Georgian Room. Menu iteM: The grilled foie gras as well as anything on the Chef’s Tasting Menu. Place to relax: In the solarium, or on the sofa at the Beach Club with The New York Times. activity: Visiting the steam room at The spa at sea Island, as well as driving up and down sea Island drive and looking at the cottages. MeMber chiP chaMPion Chip Champion has been a member of sea Island for 15 years and describes it as “the most wonderful place on earth.” He enjoys sharing experiences with his wife, Caroline; son, Max; daughter, Mary Wallace; and his mother and stepfather, Louise and Bob Bledsoe, who also are members. His favorite ... view: The sunset over the sound as seen from Adirondack chairs at The Lodge. outDoor activities: Playing golf with his son and swimming at the Beach Club with his daughter. wilDliFe activity: Bird watching with friend dr. Joe Jackson, also a sea Island Club member. sMell: The plush green leather chairs in the men’s locker room at The Lodge, fresh green grass and pinot noir. MeMory: “Playing and learning the game of golf from the late Jimmy Hodges and watching him and davis Love Jr. teach … [when] I was a ball boy. Another favorite is celebrating my 40th birthday at the men’s locker room at The Lodge—a surprise party arranged by my wife.” MeMber Patricia FreeMan Thirty-five years ago, Patricia and Douglas Freeman spent their honeymoon at sea Island. “I remember thinking, ‘Maybe someday we can live here,’ ” Patricia says. After moving to Jacksonville, Fla., in 1991, the couple visited frequently with their daughters. Four years ago, their oldest daughter, dorothy, got married at Christ Church, and held the reception and bridesmaids’ luncheon at sea Island. Two years ago, the Freemans purchased a home in the Ocean Forest community. “so many of our fondest memories are set at sea Island, and I’m sure there are many more ahead,” Patricia adds. Her favorite ... tiMe oF year: The holidays. “I love sharing sea Island with family and friends during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.” view: The marsh from the Black Banks Terrace at sunset. outDoor activities: Patricia enjoys biking and doug loves to hunt; he’s a member at Broadfield, A sea Island sporting Club and Lodge. sounD: The sound of winning at bingo—the voice of Jack Jenkins, aka Billy Bingo, the cheers and “everything about that moment.” 300,000 The number of delicious corn muffins The Cloister Bake shop prepares each year. 1848 The year that the live oak trees were planted leading to The Lodge at sea Island Golf Club. Anna King, the owner of the original plantation where the sea Island Golf Club is now located, supervised the planting of the trees on what we now know as Avenue of the Oaks. Foie gras Men’s locker room bingo Favorite Things